Is the cherokee brave dogwood a good variety for ohio
Is the cherokee brave dogwood a good variety for ohio

The fungus requires high humidity for infection, so trees growing on moist, shady sites are most susceptible. Trees are typically killed in 2 to 3 years. The disease is spreading rapidly throughout the species’ range. Flowering dogwood occurs frequently across Kentucky in dry to wet woods.įlowering dogwood is seriously threatened by dogwood anthracnose which is caused by a fungus. Trees grow in the understory on lower and middle slopes.

is the cherokee brave dogwood a good variety for ohio

The common name dogwood is also thought to be from the use of the wood for skewers or “dogs.” Other common names include boxwood and cornel.įlowering dogwood trees can be found from Toronto south to the Gulf Coast and from southern Maine to eastern Texas. The common name dogwood comes from one colonial description of the fruit as being edible but not fit for a dog.

is the cherokee brave dogwood a good variety for ohio

Cornus is from the word cornu which means “horn” and refers to the hard wood florida is from the Latin flos, which means “flower” or “flowery” in reference to the showy flowers.įlowering dogwood is named for the showy spring flowers.

Is the cherokee brave dogwood a good variety for ohio